We hope that you will greatly enjoy your time at St. John’s and Oxford. However, if there are ever times when you are feeling stressed, worried, ill, or having problems with work, family, relationships, life… there are many sources of support both within and outside of College.
Scroll down or use this menu to find the section you require:
Welfare Officers

They are usually your first port of call for any queries, worries or requests for welfare supplies (see below). They are in charge of organising welfare events and liaising with the college about general welfare issues.
Peer Supporters
The peer supporters are trained St John’s students who deliver confidential and impartial listening and support to fellow graduates, and you can contact them to discuss any problem at all (relating to academic work, mental or physical health, stress, relationships, or anything else that is concerning you) in total confidence. Or maybe you just want a chat over a cup of tea! The peer supporters are also there to direct you to other sources of support should you, for example, need to see a counsellor or talk about adjustments to your room if you have a disability.
Should you wish to talk to an MCR peer supporter from another college for even greater confidentiality, the Welfare Officers can put you in touch with one, or you could contact one of the JCR peer supporters.
Senior Dean

The Senior Dean (Theresa Burt de Perera), is also trained and willing to help with any welfare problems you may have, particularly those related to academic work, financial hardship, or problems with the College.
Junior Deans
Hi all, for those of you who haven’t met us yet, we’re the Junior Deans – Razia Chowdhry, Diala Al Mazri, Bárbara Souza and Kyle Davison.
Office Hours: Our office hours are held Mon, Wed, and Fri from 6:00pm to 6:30pm at 15 St. Giles. Come on by with welfare concerns, general queries, room booking forms, or just an appetite for tea and Jaffa cakes. We’d love to see you! And if you have a welfare issue and would like to meet outside of office hours, please email us (junior.dean@sjc.ox.ac.uk) and we’ll get back to you right away.
Room bookings: If your room booking requires decanal permission, please come to our office hours with an event form from the Catering Office. Please note that we cannot give permission for any events occurring with less than a week’s notice, and that by making the booking you are taking responsibility for the actions of your guests.
In the exceptional circumstance that you cannot attend our office hours more than one week in advance of your desired booking, please send us an email that includes a precise description of the event, the number of people likely to attend (split into SJC members and guests), your plans for chaperoning guests into and out of College, details of any alcohol provision, and your plans for cleaning up.
LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer/questioning)

Generally, you can talk to the LGBTQ officer about any LGBTQ-related issues, and they can also provide information about university-wide LGBTQ events. The LGBTQ officers can be contacted by email (mcr-lgbtq@sjc.ox.ac.uk).
Welfare Supplies and Welfare Events
We are able to give out welfare supplies free of charge. We can supply you with a wide range of condoms and lubricant, as well as pregnancy tests, attack alarms, and sanitary products. Just email one of the welfare officers and we can put a very discreet package of whatever you need into your pigeonhole. If you would prefer to remain totally anonymous, just leave a note in one of welfare officers’ pigeonholes stating what you require, and we will put a package in the same pigeonhole you left the note in for you to collect. We can also provide reimbursement for emergency contraceptives or medical alert bracelets (a receipt or invoice is necessary but will be kept anonymous).
Welfare events occur throughout the term (we usually hold a brunch the morning after every bop, and welfare teas) and are also free of charge, so please come along for delicious food and drink and a friendly chat!
College Counsellor
Usually Denise Barulis (denise.barulis@sjc.ox.ac.uk)
If you would like to see Denise concerning yourself or someone else please email her. Unless the matter is urgent she will then arrange to see you on the next Thursday morning when she will be at 16 St Giles’. You find her by pressing the bell marked ‘Michael Riordan’ on the list on the side gate. Denise will be working in Michael Riordan’s office each Thursday morning (0th week to 9th week), and will come down and meet you.
University Counselling
The University Counselling Service is designed specifically to meet the emotional and practical needs of students at Oxford. It is confidential and deals with the whole range of academic, social and personal anxieties. It is based at 3 Worcester Street, Oxford, OX1 2BX. Appointments can be made by calling in to the office, by telephone 01865 270300 or by email.
College Nurse

Contact: 01865 277369 or nurse@sjc.ox.ac.uk
The college nurse, Kinneret Milgrom, is available in North Quad staircase 5 (Room 1), during term time:
- Mondays 12.30-15.00
- Tuesdays 15.00-18.00
- Wednesdays 09.30-11.00
- Fridays 12.30-15.00
To book an appointment, please use the College Intranet. Appointments can be face to face or online via Teams. The room is fully accessible. If you feel you need a longer appointment e.g. to discuss a mental health issue such as anxiety or depression, please book two consecutive slots. Consultations are strictly confidential.
College Doctors
Contact: 01865 240501
The practice is at 19 Beaumont Street. Just ring up for an appointment. The Oxford Emergency Medical Service (OXEMS) provides an out of hours service from 6pm to 8am. If you ring the Beaumont Street practice between these hours, you will be given the number to call. This surgery also runs a very good travel clinic for thos wishing for advice for foreign travel.
College Dentist
Contact: 01865 484608
The College Dental Practice is Studental, located in the Colonnade Building, Headington Campus, Oxford Brookes University, Gipsy Lane, Oxford, OX3 0BP. The hours are Monday to Friday 8:00 until 18:00.
Careers Liaison Officer

Contact: Anne Dutton (anne.dutton@careers.ox.ac.uk). Contact for any information on careers, job applications, CVs and also getting recognised and tested for disabilities (dyslexia, etc.)
Nightline operates from 8pm-8am, and provides confidential, non-judgemental listening and support, as well as information, over the phone (01865 270 270) or Skype (oxfordnightline), or at their office at 16 Wellington Square.
OUSU Student Advice Service
Contact: advice@ousu.org or 01865 288466.
They can help with everything from academic matters to harassment, living out and pretty much anything else you can think of. And if they can’t help you, they’ll help you find someone who can.
University Services (including Disability Advisory Service)
Please go to www.ox.ac.uk/students/shw for an overview of all the health and welfare services that the University provides. Particularly important is the Disability Advisory Service. Many students do not declare a disability to the University – ‘any physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’ – but if you think this might apply to you, please do contact the DAS as there can be specialist support available (everything from extra funding, adaptations for physical impairments, a mental health mentor, someone to take notes for you in tutorials…etc.)
Further Information
For further information and contact details, please contact the Welfare Officers. Please also visit the College’s health and welfare page.
Some Useful Numbers
- SJC Porters’ Lodge: 01865 277300
- OUSU Student Advice Service: 01865 288461
- College Nurse (North Quad 5-1): 01865 277369
- College Doctor (19 Beaumont Street Surgery): 01865 240501
- Nightline (8pm-8am): 01865 270270
- University Counselling Service: 01865 270300
- Samaritans: 01865 722122
- NHS non-emergency: 111
- Emergencies: 999
- University Security Services Emergencies: 01865 289999
- Non-Emergency Police: 101
- FRANK drug use helpline: 03001 236600
- Reputable taxi firms: 01865 240000/,01865 775577, 01865794000
- College Chaplain: 01865 277351
- LGB Switchboard: 03003 300630
- University Counselling Service: 01865 270300