The MCR committee organises many events throughout the year for MCR members. Details of all MCR events are publicised through the MCR mailing list (, the MCR Facebook group and the SJC MCR Calendar below.

Adding the SJC MCR Calendar to your personal calendar.
If you wish, this is a direct hyperlink to the SJC MCR Calendar. If you want to add the termcard to your google calendar, simply choose the “add by URL” option and put in the following link:
If you are using an external program, the relevant links are (depending on the preferred format)
- XML:
Types of Event
Below are some examples of events, though we often change things up depending on what the community fancies doing.
Type | Description |
Bop | a Big Old Party! (Or Big Open Party, depending on who you ask…) There’s a DJ, a bar, and lots of cheesy music. Fancy dress is encouraged. These are organised by the Social Secretaries |
Culture event | this can be anything from going to see a concert to a trip to the theatre to a walk down Port Meadow – and we’re open to suggestions. These events are organised by the Culture Secretaries. |
Exchange Dinner | ever wondered what it’s like to go to formal hall at another college? Well, now’s your chance! They host us one week, and we host them another week. You also usually get pre- and post-dinner drinks (the latter also being known as Second Desserts). These are organised by the Social Secretaries. |
Garden Party | A (hopefully) sunny afternoon party in Trinity Term in the St Giles House. |
Guest Dinner | Black tie, formal dinners held twice a term. You can invite some guests along, but this is not necessary – you can still come along to have a fun dinner with your MCR friends! These are also usually themed, and are organised by the Victuallers. |
Welfare Brunch/Tea | A selection of delicious food and drinks put together by the Welfare team, usually on the weekend. This is also a chance to meet the Welfare Officers and Peer Supporters and talk to someone if you want to. |
Wine & Cheese Tasting | This is a joint MCR/SCR affair, with very nice wines (directly from the College’s wine cellar) and a fine selection of cheeses. These are organised by the Victuallers. |
Guest Policy
The guest policy varies for each event. If you wish to invite guests, contact the Committee member organising the event.