We’re an active bunch here at St. John’s! The college has a variety of sports facilities on offer, including squash courts, tennis courts, two gyms, and rugby and football pitches. Further details, including how to sign up for gym access, can be found on the main College website.
There are also some MCR-specific activities:
MCR sports equipment: Beyond being able to use SJC facilities, all MCR members are also welcome to use any sports equipment in the MCR sports cupboard. The sports cupboard can be found on MCR mezzanine floor, and the key can be signed out from the Lodge. Please keep the cupboard locked and return the keys to the porters immediately after borrowing equipment, as others may want to borrow other equipment in the cupboard. Also, please return the equipment to the sports cupboard when you are done using it.
To report any problems with the equipment, suggest other equipment you would like, or with any other sports related inquiries, please contact the Sports Officer.
Women’s only gym hours: Woman includes anyone who identifies partly or wholly as woman, transfeminine, or has any feminine aspect to their identity. Tuesday 7-8am in Kendrew Gym, Sunday 3-4pm in Old Gym.
Punting: each summer punts are available to be booked from Magdalen College and from the Cherwell Boat House. To be able to book a punt you need to get a Punt Card; this is usually organised by the JCR Treasurer. More details will be sent round each Trinity Term.
Squash: whilst the squash courts are of course a college-wide facility, we are very fortunate in the MCR to be located right above them! To book in, just sign up on the sheet in the entrance as you come into the courts. Rackets and balls can be found in the MCR sports cupboard.
College Bike Scheme: If you’d like to rent one of the college bicycles, you can sign up to the College Bike Scheme. Forms for this are in the Lodge during term time and should be pidged, along with £10, to the JCR Bike Rep: https://www.sjc-jcr.com/about/committee/.